Who is the ideal Tin Can student?

Any 4-12th grade student who is missing talking with their peers, hanging with their friends, and isn’t feeling super pumped about another semester of online school will find welcome community here! All they need is a decent Internet connection and an eagerness to try something new.


Can I register several children?

Yes! We have experience working with two students in one Zoom box and have learned that it is in fact big enough to hold several faces and minds.


My student has special needs. Is Tin Can right for us?

Several of our instructors have experience working with students who may be looking for extra help in social or learning environments. Drop us a line and we can evaluate together. We are eager to work with you.


Don’t you all have colleges to attend?

Due to COVID-19, the majority of our instructors are deferring our return to college in the fall in order to focus on Tin Can Learners full time.


What happens if my student misses a class?

If your student misses class, please get in touch with their teacher so that they can let your student know what they missed and what to expect for next class.

How involved are parents?

We hope Tin Can’s programming will offer parents some time to themselves while their student is in class. As much as you are comfortable, we encourage you to give your students some “time away from home” by letting them learn independently.


What if my student dislikes their class?

We understand that things don’t always work out. Please reach out to your student’s instructor if they are interested in switching classes. We will make it happen!


How will communication work? Will you be emailing my student directly?

Parents will receive direct email communication about logistical information in addition to our weekly newsletter. While we prefer direct communication between instructors and students for class related matters (updates on materials needed for class, feedback on writing, etc.), we are happy to communicate exclusively through a parent email.


What is my tuition money paying for?

Your student’s tuition covers our operation costs such as Zoom Premium, bookkeeping and administrative expenses, supplies for classes, and instructor stipends.


When is the final showcase? What will happen there?

The final showcase will occur at the end of each session and is a celebration of all that we’ve made! Students in all our classes will log on to one giant Zoom call and share the projects that they have been working on in a prepared presentation made by their class.

Is there financial aid available?

Yes! We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has put financial strain on an wide variety of families. We are committed to accepting all students, regardless of a families’ ability to pay. Please see our Financial Aid page for more information and a pay-what-you-can registration option.


My child already spends too much time on the internet now. How is this any different?

We’ve found from personal experience that not all internet time is created equal. Our classes are structured such that students engage with tangible creative projects, and our class time spent on Zoom will prioritize discussion and community.


How will I know what my student is doing in class?

We will send out weekly newsletters with updates on what students have been working on each week. If you have specific questions about what your student is doing, feel free to send the instructor an email.


Tin Can Learners? Where’d that name come from?

Good question! Our name was inspired by an image of tin can and string telephones. In the COVID-19 era, sometimes we all feel a little like we are reaching across the airwaves to find community. Tin Can is a homemade way to stay in touch!


Do classes stay the same each session?

No! We expect to shift the classes we offer each session based on student and parent input. While popular choices may remain, we are excited to build classes that students are interested in, and to provide variety for returning students.